Monday, August 24, 2009

Wise Words...

I'm reading a book right now called Mother Earth Spirituality by Ed McGaa, Eagle Man. 

It's a fabulous read; I'm thoroughly enjoying it and highly resonating with it. 

The following is a passage written by Environmental Liaison, Jan Hartke for Earth Day pierced my heart ...I hope it pierces yours as well... 

" What does it take to inject a sense of urgency into this world? 

Do we have to tear a hole in the sky before we wake up? 

Well, we've done it. 

Do we have to see the life-giving rain be turned so acidic that it kills fish and trees and endangers human health? 

Well, we've done it. 

Do we have to watch the great seas rise, inundate our coastlines and disrupt agricultural patterns through global warming? 

Well, we're doing it. 

Do we have to see the great Rhine River run with a current of death caused by a disastrous pesticide spill? 

Well, we've seen it. 

Does cancer have to rise up among us like a modern plague because of radon and toxins? 

Well, we've seen it. 

Do the clouds of Chernobyl have to spew radioactivity around the globe for us to declare enough is enough? 

What does it take to inject a sense of urgency? 

What does it take to wake up world governments to the global environmental threat? 

Can we not see that the miner's canary is dying---that we must save the earth if we are to save ourselves?

I do not want to be an old man who tells his offspring in the glow of nostalgic reflection about the good old days when we used to have primeval forests and great whales and clean, fresh water. 

I want neither nostalgia nor bitterness, but I am tired of waiting while the earth is dying. 

I want to see the earth flourish, and want to see the ways of regeneration. " 

Wow, incredible food for thought. 

While I am probably preaching to the converted already, I know that it takes very little effort to clean up our earth....those little steps of cleaning up litter, using less plastics and packaging, driving less-biking more and so on. 

There are many websites available that will give you plenty of ideas on how to clean up our earth on small or big scales. 

One thing you may not have thought about is thanking Mother Earth for her abundance and her gifts. 

I touched on this in my last newsletter. 

I really was not aware of Mother Earth per se until my Bootcamp experience. 

It was an A-ha moment for me and I have been thanking Mother Earth every day since. 

The sweat lodge was an amazing experience to help me connect with Mother were my silent walks. 

When you're out walking, touch the leaves, the trees, the grass and so thanks to the earth as you do. 

We don't have too many options available to us if we destroy Earth. 

To quote Chief Seathl in a letter to the President of the USA in 1854...

"Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. 

Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." ....and.....

"Continue to contaminate your bed, and you will one night suffocate in your own waste." 

Pierces the heart doesn't it.... Mother Earth is a precious living being and it's up to us to help her go on...take that silent walk today and be oh so thankful. (and pick up some trash along the way...) 

You'll be amazed how it makes you feel as well.......enjoy!!.....~M

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